Category Archives: Divorce

Jun 24

What Is Marriage Abandonment in California? 2024

If your spouse has left you without any attempts of communicating, perhaps you're wondering, "What is marriage abandonment in California?" and what…

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Jun 16

How Long Should I Keep My Divorce Papers in California? 2024

After your divorce is finally completed, you may be asking yourself, "How long should I keep my divorce papers in California?" Alternatively,…

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May 29

Navigating the Howell Decision: Understanding Its Impact on Military Divorces

Navigating the Howell Decision: Understanding Its Impact on Military Divorces Divorce is rarely a straightforward process, but when military retirement benefits are…

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May 29

Understanding Military Divorce: The 10-10, 10-20, and Related Rules

Understanding Military Divorce: The 10-10, 10-20, and Related Rules Divorcing a military service member comes with unique challenges, especially when it comes…

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May 21

Is Everything Split 50/50 in a Divorce in California? 2024

As a family law firm, clients commonly ask, "Is everything split 50/50 in a divorce in California?" Understandably, this is a topic…

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Mar 22

California Divorce Process Step By Step

Divorce Process in California No couple seeks to end their marriage in divorce. However, it is important to protect yourself if you…

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Mar 19

Average Alimony Payment in California [2024 Updated]

Going through a divorce is not easy. The emotional strain and mental distress are bad enough, but you will also likely be…

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Mar 18

2024 How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce in California

Coming to the realization that your marriage has run its course and divorce is the only option left for you can be…

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Mar 17

Professions With the Highest Divorce Rate in California (2024)

Getting divorced is never easy. It is never something you expect when you decide to get married. It can feel like a…

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Mar 16

California Divorce Rate 2024 – Latest Statistics

Divorce is a potentially painful process that can impact a lot of lives. Not only does it affect the couple going through…

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Feb 14

2024 How Long Does a Divorce In California Take?

The length of time that a divorce in California takes can vary from six months to over a year. Every case is…

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Jun 04

What Are the 5 Stages of Divorce in California? 2024

Most everyone who goes through a divorce has never done it before. That unfamiliarity can make it difficult to wrap your head…

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May 07

2024 How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in California?

Choosing to divorce your spouse is a major decision that will affect every area of your life, especially your finances. The higher…

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Apr 05

California Common Law Marriage – Everything You Need to Know

Common Law Marriage in California 2024 Some couples prefer not to get married in a traditional way and instead act as if…

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Apr 04

California Legal Separation vs Divorce – What’s the Difference?

California couples looking to divorce or separate are likely already going through plenty of emotional and financial troubles. The couple may wish…

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Dec 15

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in California (2024) – What’s the Difference?

Divorce can be difficult to navigate, even under the best circumstances. The process of separating two lives takes a great deal of…

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Nov 13

California Father’s Rights (2024) — What Every Dad Should Know

As a state resident, knowing the laws surrounding fathers’ rights is important. After all, paternity tests are becoming increasingly accessible, and more…

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Sep 15

Is California a Community Property State? CA Community Property Law Explained

When couples in California decide to divorce, a common question that always comes up is how property will be divided between the…

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Aug 13

California Alimony Laws 2024 – All You Need to Know

Going through a divorce involves significant change. Everything from your living situation to your time with your children can be affected. Though…

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Nov 30

How to Prepare for Divorce: Organizing Information & Documents

The decision to divorce, and the process thereafter, is never easy. When you and your partner choose to divorce, the best way to…

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Oct 29

How to Prepare for Divorce: Building Your Support Team

No matter the reason behind it, divorce can be a harrowing process. Between the emotional distress, the legal mess, and the financial stress,…

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Sep 10

How Divorce Can Affect Your Business

Divorce can be challenging for any couple, no matter their circumstances. It can be particularly difficult if you own a business. Divorce…

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Jul 06

“Full Custody” & What That Means in a California Divorce

Many parents come into our law office with the request that they get “full custody” of their children in a divorce. In our…

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Jun 02

Divorce Under 30: Helpful Tips & Insight

It might seem unusual to be divorced before you hit the big 3-0, but you’re not alone. While it’s true that Americans…

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May 04

Southern CA Divorce: Who Gets What?

Who gets what? This is one of the most contested and complicated issues in any divorce. Whether you’re a typical working-class couple or have…

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Apr 14

Parental Alienation in California: What It Is & How to Prove It

No parent wants to see their relationship with their children suddenly begin to dissolve—especially if it’s for no apparent reason. It may…

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Mar 25

What Is The Average Length for a California Divorce?

How long will my divorce take? This is one of the most pressing questions for any person contemplating or currently going through a divorce.…

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Feb 05

Is Alimony for Life? California’s Fabled “10-Year Rule”

When it comes to divorce and alimony requirements, it’s often difficult to tell fact from fiction. You’ll receive information and guidance from friends, family, and co-workers—even…

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Jan 22

Divorce During COVID: Are More Marriages Really Ending?

Divorce is on the rise. Marriages are crumbling. These are the messages some media reports delivered in the early months of the COVID-19…

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Dec 11

How Long Does a Contested Divorce Take in California?

When a divorce is uncontested, it means that both parties agree to their separation and they can work together enough to get…

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Nov 18

Five Types of Spousal Support in California

Just like other states, California has a system of spousal support that divorcing couples must consider. Also known as alimony, spousal support is a…

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Oct 14

How COVID-19 Affected a Restraining Order Appeal

In this case, the First District dismissed an appeal from two orders resulting from competing requests for civil harassment restraining orders. “Due…

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Sep 15

Can You Request New Alimony Payments in California?

During a divorce in California, alimony—also known as spousal support—is decided using the quality of living each person enjoyed during the marriage. If one…

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Aug 24

Case Review: Trial Court Rules in Favor of Wife in 3 Separate Appeals

In three consolidated cases, the Sixth District affirmed the trial court’s issuance of a DVRO in Wife’s favor, reversed an order rescinding…

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Aug 17

How California Courts Decide a Parent Is Unfit

In California and across the country, family courts operate to protect the best interests of children in divorces, custody disputes, and other family law matters. Most of…

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Aug 05

Case Review: What Happens to Marriage Property in Post-Divorce Bankruptcy?

In re Clifford Allen Brace, Jr. (Cal. Supreme Court, July 23, 2020, S252473) Full text here. Holding: In this case, a California…

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Jul 21

California, COVID-19, & Divorce: What You Should Know

As California continues to battle COVID-19, life has been put on hold in many ways. If you were considering a divorce before the pandemic…

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Jun 17

Debt in Divorce—What Happens to It?

You’re divorcing or considering divorce. You know that you’ll have to divide your property, but what about debt? How is your debt divided, and…

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Apr 15

Divorce in California: How Long Do I Have to Be Married to Get Half of Everything?

How Property Is Divided in a Divorce in California You’ve probably heard mention time and time again of “getting half” of everything…

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Mar 18

Why More SoCal Millennials Are Choosing Prenups

Not too long ago, the thought of a prenuptial agreement was somewhat taboo, or reserved for the extremely wealthy. Today, we’re seeing them more…

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Feb 12

At What Age Can a Child Decide Which Parent to Live With?

If you’re divorcing and you have children, then you’re facing a challenging situation: which parent will your child or children live with? This is…

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Jan 22

Can I Put My Divorce on Hold?

If you’re currently going through a divorce in California, you might wonder whether there are any circumstances that would allow for a temporary hold.…

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Dec 20

How Long Does It Take to Get an Uncontested Divorce in California?

If you and your spouse are in the process of getting a divorce, but you want both want the process to be over…

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Nov 27

Common Reasons for a Pre-Trial Motion in a Divorce

There are many different steps to take while filing for divorce. Some of which may not be clear on how it will…

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Nov 25

Can the court issue mutual restraining orders and family code section 6305

In this case, one party has filed a request for a restraining order. They other party did not file a request for…

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Aug 26

Who Keeps the Pet During a Divorce?

For many people, their pets are considered a member of the family. Many couples have an inseparable relationship with their pets and…

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Apr 12

Best Interest of your Pet?

On National Pet Day, we take a peek into how California family law judges now try to look more to the best…

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Apr 12

Disclosure of Contents of a 730 Report Can be Dangerous

During her marriage to Louis Yeager, Anna Anka gave birth to their child, E.Y. They later separated and began divorce proceedings, in…

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Mar 20

What Are the Requirements for a Summary Dissolution?

Divorce is an emotionally overwhelming process, which is no surprise that most couples would like the divorce process to end as soon…

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Jan 22

What Are Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders?

An automatic, temporary restraining order (ATROs) is a specific type of restraining order that is issued in connection with divorce proceedings, legal…

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